Manage your transactions dates

Now that you manage the lifecycle of your transactions here's how to manage the dates

In tracking your transactions, understanding the dates associated with each transaction is crucial. There are five different dates that may be relevant to your case study:

  • Transaction Date (date)
  • Value Date (valueDate): The value date is the reference date used by the bank to record the transaction as either a credit or a debit.
  • Transaction Date (transactionDate): This date signifies when the banking transaction is carried out, but the balance is not affected.
  • Booking Date (bookingDate): The booking date is the actual date when the transaction is posted to the account.
  • Updated Transaction Timestamp (updated_at): This timestamp represents the date and time when the transaction was last updated internally by Bridge.


Please note that not all connectors will provide all of these dates. If a particular date cannot be found, it will not be included in the API response. However, the date field will always be filled and will correspond to one of the three other dates, depending on the connector.

These dates fileds are available on these endpoints :

To effectively manage the lifecycle of your transactions, you can refer to the Manage your transactions documentation.