Bridge provides an Open Banking API to initiate payments and aggregate financial data. Our API uses standards such as HTTP verbs, RESTful routing and JSON for payloads.
After creating an account on our dashboard, you will be able to create a sandbox application, which allows you to start building up your application right away in a safe test environment.
Leverage bank payments and improve user experience with Payments.

Payment Account
Unlock the full potential of Bridge with our Payment Account product.

Payment Account
Banking Synchronization
Connect the bank accounts of your customers with Bridge Connect and leverage their financial data with our Banking Synchronization solution.

Banking Synchronization
Depending on your project requirements, collect All Accounts or only Payments accounts. Be aware that the Payments accounts mode offer an optimized flow.

Redirected experience

Integrated experience
Download our Postman collection
Simply test our API with our Postman collection:
Updated 2 months ago