Testing your payment flow

With a Bridge sandbox app, you can safely develop and test payment requests and payment links without initiating real payments. Additionally, only compatible banks will be displayed in the Pay by Link feature.


Payment link from a sandbox

Demo Bank

Our Demo Bank allows you to simulate a complete user journey for payment initiation. To test Payments with Demo Bank, you can either:

  • Directly call the Create a payment request endpoint with the bank id 574.
  • Create a payment link from the dashboard, open the URL, and choose Demo Bank.

Testing the usual flow

To test the redirected payment flow, you can use any login and password with more than 6 characters. Once in the Demo Bank interface, you can test a payment with or without Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) by selecting sender accounts. You can use any code longer than 6 characters for the OTP code.


Sender accounts list

Testing your integration

To thoroughly test your integration, you should manage various payment statuses. Use the following credentials to simulate different scenarios:

Login fieldPayment statusPayment status reason
id_pdng_acscPDNG after you confirm the payment
ACSC one hour after the confirmation
id_pdng_rjctPDNG after you confirm the payment
RJCT one hour after the confirmation

Very rare case when the bank doesn't accept the payment during the execution (mainly for fraud suspicion)
id_acscACSC after you confirm the payment (= instant payment)/

Test Payments with Postman


Important to know

Payments in the sandbox environment are automatically deleted after 30 days.

Bank sandbox


Caution: Not all available banks can be fully tested using our sandbox apps.

While listing banks in the sandbox app, you might encounter deactivated banks that are available for payments only in the production environment.

However, some banks are also accessible in the sandbox environment for testing purposes. Please be aware that these sandbox environments are directly managed by the banks and can occasionally be instable.

Here is a list of banks with a stable sandbox environment for testing purposes. You can use the provided credentials for testing. If a login or OTP SMS is missing, feel free to enter any value in the respective field.

BankBridge IDTesting credentials
BNP Paribas6Login: 123456789 (everything is accepted)
Password: 785149
SMS: everything except 00000 (= failure)

Even amount = success
Odd amount = failure
Banque Populaire (Grand Ouest)38Login: 9999999904
Password: 17515
SMS: 12345678

Test Payments with Postman