Payment links statuses

Payment links statuses

Payment links statuses

Payment links statuses

A payment link is active or inactive. it becomes inactive under the following conditions:

  • you revoke the link
  • the expiration date has passed (if not set, the link expires 15 minutes after creation)
  • a payment request has been successfully initiated from the link
  • a manual transfer has been confirmed from the link

Here are the possible Payment Link statuses:

validThe Payment Link is valid and can be used. No payment has been initiated or confirmed from it.
expired (final)The link has expired due its expiration date, with no payment initiation nor confirmation.
revoked (final)The Payment Link has been revoked, and no payment has been initiated or confirmed from it.
completed (final)A payment has been successfully initiated or confirmed from the link.

Payment link completion

A payment link is completed in two cases, depending on the payment method used.

  • Open Banking Transfer: your customer has successfully initiated the payment on his bank interface. While a Payment Link is active, customers can make multiple attempts to use it. Each attempt of an Open Banking Transfer creates a new payment request with its own status.
  • Manual Transfer: your customer has confirmed having made their manual transfer.

When a payment link is completed, it doesn't mean the payment is successful yet.

Go to the next step for more details about the fund information status.