User journey

Depending on your needs either your project requires to fetch All Accounts or only Payments accounts, you'll have 2 different experiences to propose to your users.

The redirected experience

In Payment accounts mode, the majority of your users will benefit from the redirected journeys / redirected experience.

The use of this mode gives access exclusively to checking accounts, cards and their transactions. The advantage of this mode and experience will be the possibility of cross-platform and direct mobile. By scanning a QR code, you will open your users' mobile banking app so that they can use biometrics to authenticate. The Payment accounts mode is optimized and the experience is optimal for the user since they benefit from the authentication system of their banking app.


Redirected experience

The integrated experience

All accounts mode offers an integrated experience.

In the mode your user will stay in the Bridge connect flow imagined by Bridge. The credentials will need to be entered on the platform after selecting the bank. Be aware that some banks journey does not support this mode. In that case, the user will be redirected to the site of his bank.


Integrated experience

Both modes offer the possibility to reconstruct the banks list from our Bridge Connect page. It implies more effort in integration and fully understand the parent/child relation of the banks using List banks endpoint. Although you can also choose not to and benefit from our Bridge connect page.