User creation

Now that you know how to authenticate your application, you are going to create your first Bridge User.

The registration of a user requires an email and a password.


The end user, who will synchronize his bank accounts, isn’t aware of these two parameters.

Bridge is a Server-to-Server API, so you can use the email parameter like an identifier and the password should be generated randomly. If you lose this password, the API cannot regenerate it.


Email parameter

It doesn't have to be a real email although the "@" is required. Please also note that the email (and all query parameters) should be URL Encoded (@ becomes %40), otherwise the request will fail.


Password parameter

Must be at least 6 characters and less than 72 characters.


User lifecycle management

Don't forget to delete the Bridge users associated to your customers when they quit your service.

curl '' \
	-X POST \
	-H 'Bankin-Version: 2019-02-18' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'Client-Id: MY_CLIENT_ID' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET' \
  -d $'{
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "password123"