
Some resources are public (banks and categories) meaning that only providing a client_id is required but the majority of the resources need a logged in user.

The User ressource is an abstraction of the end user, so you need to authenticate him in a Server-to-Server way. That means no action is needed from his part :

curl '' \
	-X POST \
  -H 'Bankin-Version: 2019-02-18' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'Client-Id: MY_CLIENT_ID' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET'\
  -d $'{
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "password123"

The response should contain the access_token :

  "access_token": "<returned_access_token>",
  "expires_at": "2019-04-26T15:49:04.511Z",
  "user": {
    "uuid": "<user_uuid>",
    "resource_uri": "/v2/users/<user_uuid>",
    "resource_type": "user",
    "email": "[email protected]"

To perform the authenticated calls, you must provide this token in the Authorization request header (using the bearer authentication scheme).

Example :

curl "" \
	-X GET \
	-H 'Bankin-Version: 2019-02-18' \
	-H 'Client-Id: MY_CLIENT_ID' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer TOP_SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN'


Session expiration

The OAuth token is valid for two hours after it has been issued. Making calls with an expired token will return an HTTP 401 error and require a new authentication.