Transfers Statuses

Every possible status of a transfer order

When your users initiate transfer orders, transfers are going through a set of several statuses. You can find the list below:

Transfer statusDescription
submittedThe transfer order was created and still needs to be executed
pendingThe transfer order was executed by the user and is sent to Bridge
processingThe transfer order was received by Bridge and is being processed
transferringBridge just sent the transfer order to the bank and is waiting for the bank to send its response
otp_sms_invalid (final)The transfer order failed because of a wrong OTP code filled by the user
succeeded (final)The transfer order was successfully completed
failed (final)The transfer order failed. You can check the reason in the field result_message
expired (final)The transfer order has been stuck to a status other than a final one for more than 10 minutes
unknown (final)In very rare cases, a transfer can finish with a unknown status. It means we are not able to know if the transfer has been initiated or not. In this case, your users should check on their bank interface if the bank has taken the transfer into account

When a transfer order failed (status = failed), you can get more details and check the failure's reason in the field result_message. This field depends on the information the banks share with us so the behavior might depend on the sender account's bank. Here is the possible data you can find in this field:

CaseResult message (in french)
UnknownUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Plusieurs raisons possibles : le montant est invalide, le solde est insuffisant...
Technical errorUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Erreur technique.
Invalid credentialsUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Identifiants invalides.
Invalid tokenUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Token invalide.
Phone code requiredUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Code d'identification requis.
Invalid phone codeUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Code d'identification invalide.
Invalid sender accountUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Le compte emetteur est invalide.
Invalid receiver accountUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Le compte destinataire est invalide.
Invalid amountUne erreur s'est produite empêchant la réalisation du virement. Le montant est invalide.