Email validation


Continuous or single synchronization

The email validation of the end-user is an optional step which is activated by default.
For a single synchronization use case, such as the credit scoring, this step can be removed.

You need a logged in User to use this functionality.

All of Bridge's end users need to register a valid email address with Bridge.

First, you need to check whether the User still needs to validate an email by calling the following endpoint:

curl "" \
	-X GET \
  -H 'Bankin-Version: 2019-02-18' \
	-H 'Client-Id: MY_CLIENT_ID' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer TOP_SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "name": "email",
  "is_confirmed": false

If !is_confirmed, then the User needs to validate an email.

The endpoint Validate email is used for a standalone validation but any Bridge Connect access will ask the user his email if needed.

curl "" \
	-X GET \
  -H 'Bankin-Version: 2019-02-18' \
	-H 'Client-Id: MY_CLIENT_ID' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer TOP_SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN'

The response should return the URL to the funnel:

  "redirect_url": "<authentication_token>"

Calling the redirect_url URL will start the funnel.