Testing the API


Use your sandbox credentials to test the API without affecting the data on your production environment. It also gives you access to a method the Delete all users that can be used to reset your data.


Environments are fully enclosed from each other

Resources (users, transactions, accounts, items, etc...) created with sandbox keys are not visible nor usable using production keys and vice versa.



Using sandbox credentials, you are limited to 20 users at the same time.


When using sandbox credentials, you can use a special bank called Simulator (id = 408) that can be used to simulate the data synchronization process without using your personal banking credentials.
This can be very convenient when doing tests. Particularly when dealing with item statuses.


The simulator bank can't be found in bank list, even when using sandbox credentials but you can manually use it in the synchronization process.

123456789demo0Adds a new item with status 0. When refreshed, adds a transaction for the current date.
123456789demo402Adds a new item with status 402. The item's will be marked as having invalid credentials.

Call Edit an item to change its credentials to demo0 if you want it to correctly refresh.
123456789demo429Adds a new item with status 429.
123456789demoOTPAdds a new item that expect the user to enter a One Time Password (OTP).
Call Send item's MFA to set the item's OTP.
The OTP for this item is 123456.
123456789demo0proAdds a new professional item that expect the user to validate its pro account when he is synchronizing the concerned item.

If the user quits the funnel before, the item will have the status 1100. You will need to call Validate pro items to make him validate the pro item.
123456789demo1003Adds a new item with status 1003.
123456789demo2000Adds a new item with a lot of transactions.
123456789demo0fullAdds a new item with status 0 and loan, savings and stocks.

Simulator bank form

	"id": 408,
	"name": "Simulator",
	"form": [
			"label": "ID",
			"type": "USER",
			"isNum": "0",
			"maxLength": null
			"label": "PWD",
			"type": "PWD",
			"isNum": "0",
			"maxLength": null
	"automatic_refresh": true,
	"country_code": "FR",
	"resource_uri": "/v2/banks/408",
	"resource_type": "bank"