All resources have a resource_type field which explicitly represents its type and a resource_uri field for its location.

All resources have a full representation with all its fields and a mini representation containing only its id, resource_type, resource_uri.
The mini representation is used when linking resources to other resources.

These are meant to provide explicit URIs so that proper API clients don't need to build URIs on their own. It is highly recommended that API clients use these. Doing so will make future upgrades of the API easier for developers.

The example below shows the transation resource full representation and its linked account using the mini representation:

	id: 120,
	amount: 300,
	// ...
	account: {
		id: 87,
		resource_type: "account",
		resource_uri: "/v2/accounts/87"
	resource_type: "transaction",
	resource_uri: "/v2/transactions/120"


All timestamps are returned in ISO 8601 format with time in including milliseconds : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
All dates are returned in format: yyyy-MM-dd