Frequently Asked Questions

List of available banks

You can find the list of available banks on this page.

You can also list banks programmatically by calling the the following endpoint:

## List Banks
curl "<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>" \
     -H 'Bankin-Version: 2018-06-15'

How to sync a SogeCash bank account

Click here to see how to synchronize a SogeCash account.

How to sync a Barclays UK bank account

Click here to see how to synchronize a Barclays UK account.

An item is stuck with a 1003 status, what to do?

A 1003 status means that the connector is under maintenance or experiencing issues. It's a temporary issue.

You can check the Status Page to see if a bank connector is under maintenance.

If the issue is not solved within 48 hours, you can contact our support to get more information.