
All endpoints which return an object list, support pagination with pagination information inside a pagination object.

You can for instance list users, list banks or list transactions.

Bankin' uses a cursor based pagination via the after and before parameters.
If both parameters are provided, only before is used.


Do not forge, nor store the before and after cursors as they may change overtime.


By default, all objects are ordered and paginated reverse chronologically with a limit of 50.


Number of results per call. Accepted values: 1 - 500.
Default 50.
Cursor pointing to the end of the desired set.
Cursor pointing to the start of the desired set.


Paginated results are always returned in an array and include the following information in the pagination object:

previous_uriTo make it easier, the API will build the previous call into previous_uri together with all the current pagination parameters.
Can be null if the returned page is the first one.
next_uriTo make it easier, the API will build the next call into next_uri together with all the current pagination parameters.
Can be null if there are no more results in the list.
curl "" \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer TOP_SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN"
	"resources": [
			"id": 9,
			"id": 8,
	"pagination": {
		"previous_uri": null,
		"next_uri": "/v2/transactions?limit=2&after=MzIx",