
Bridge's Connect funnel is a PSD2 compliant web application that facilitates adding, synchronizing and editing items, as well as validating end user's emails and professional accounts.


  • As a regulated Payment Institution (AIS and PIS license) Bridge handles user’s banking credentials
  • Bridge validate user’s email address as he accepts our Terms of Subscription
  • Additional level of verification for professional bank accounts to certify user’s access

All functionalities described in this section of the documentation require a logged in user to test. You can register a User on your App with the client_id and client_secret from the Bridge dashboard:

## Register user
curl -X "POST" "<my_client_id>&client_secret=<my_client_secret>" \
     -H 'Bankin-Version: 2018-06-15'


Email parameter

The email parameter is the username. Since the API works as a Server-to-Server, it doesn't have to be a real email although the "@" is required. Please also note that the email (and all query parameters) should be URL Encoded (@ becomes %40), otherwise the request will fail.

Once the User has been registered, you have to authenticate it to retrieve the access_token needed for further calls.

## Authenticate user
curl -X "POST" "<my_client_id>&client_secret=<my_client_secret>" \
     -H 'Bankin-Version: 2018-06-15'

The response should contain the token:

  "access_token": "<returned_access_token>",
  "expires_at": "2018-04-26T15:49:04.511Z",
  "user": {
    "uuid": "<user_uuid>",
    "resource_uri": "/v2/users/<user_uuid>",
    "resource_type": "user",
    "email": ""


Session expiration

The OAuth token is valid for two hours after it has been issued. Making calls with an expired token will return an HTTP 401 error and require a new authentication.

Save the returned token in order to perform authenticated calls. You can now go to the Synchronizing a bank account section.